by GritWork | May 14, 2012 | Product Development
When I lecture about sustainable food, one of the central tenets is having well-thought out product development. Especially for high-growth companies, the products or the brand look is more critical than thinking through where those inputs (ingredients and packaging)...
by GritWork | Apr 12, 2012 | Product Development
1. How can we better measure sustainability? 2. How can we design more sustainable products? 3. How can we avoid socially-negligent suppliers? 4. How can we instill sustainability in our suppliers? 5. Who can we trust to drive sustainability? Michael Koploy...
by GritWork | Dec 7, 2011 | Product Development
Why Sustainable Supply Chain Management Isn’t Going Away Wow, trucks and freight containers are sexy now. It wasn’t the case in the late 1990’s post-college job boom where classmates had four or five (.com) offers lined up. Anyone hear the word Supply Chain in...
by GritWork | Nov 16, 2011 | Food Commodities, Product Development
5 Tips: How-To start effective and sustainable procurement 1. Growth Know what stage of growth you’re in. It’s not as easy when you’ve been doing business for generation(s) and need to start asking qualitative questions to secure supply – not just cheapest price...